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Luis Claudio Symanski

Associate professor at the Department of Anthropology and Archeology and the Graduate Program in Anthropology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and productivity researcher 2 at CNPq. Graduated in Archeology from Universidade Estácio de Sá (1993), Master in History from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (1997) and PhD in Anthropology / Archeology from Florida University (2006). Between 2008 and 2912 he was a professor at the Department of Anthropology and the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Paraná. Editor of the periodicals Vestígios, Latin American Journal of Historical Archeology (2013-2017) and Journal of Archeology of the Brazilian Archeology Society (2020-2021). Has experience in the area of Archeology, with emphasis on Historical Archeology, working on the following themes: historical archeology, archeology of the African diaspora, theory of practice, theories of cultural contact, domestic groups. Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Lemann Distinguished Visiting Professor - Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies) in 2019-2020.

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