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Atlantic History

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In the last decades, diverse perspectives of a connected history of the Atlantic worlds have been mobilizing investigations, approaches and reflections. Systematic efforts appear to adapt concepts, methodological tools, theoretical supports, aiming at possibilities of historical interpretations.

In summary, research, essays and investigations have emerged criticizing national histories and / or histories of empires that still maintain the vision of the Atlantic within a supranational framework from which particular histories of places, populations, migrations, experiences, processes or processes can be located. events. It is possible to expand beyond the emphasis on the transnational dimensions of Atlantic histories. It is not simply a matter of thinking about the relationships between metropolises and colonies or the movement of populations, forced migrations, knowledge, material and immaterial culture, goods or ideas. Challenges are posed to think Atlantic stories in macro or micro-historical dimensions of connections. Thus, events, experiences, processes and relationships can be considered connected entities, albeit under different empirical observation and demonstration.

It is essential to recognize sets of experiences and historical processes connected, crossed and shared. Such plural connections produced, remade and reinvented the Atlantic. Something complex under observable differentiations in analytical units and coherences. There are several perspectives that allow conceiving the historical processes connected in the colonial and post-colonial worlds, between slavery, post-emancipation as their own temporal and spatial dimensions, but never isolated.

The main effort is the apprehension of an Atlantic History in its dynamic perspectives, from which particular historical events are identified, articulated, compared and apprehended as connections. In this way, the search is not for an “integrated plurality”, but for “processes, connections and relationships that formed and refounded the Atlantic, both in its distinctive spatial extensions and temporal rhythms, as well as in the necessary interrelationships and in the mutual conditioning of historical developments. private ”. As DaleTomich has analyzed, it is possible to take Braudel's claim that Europeans did not discover the Americas as a theoretical starting point; they did discover the ocean. Under highly unequal conditions associated with European expansion, diverse human agents had to establish material and social relations between different areas of an Atlantic region that had emerged where there was nothing before. Through diverse political, economic, social and cultural processes, specific links have historically been created in space and over time. There were particular historical developments through the relationships they had with each other and with possibilities and restrictions presented by the New Atlantic World. Atlantic history is both a condition for these stories and a product of them.

Articulating lines of research - production of dissertations and theses and the widest possible dialogue with the areas of Anthropology, Historical Archeology and Geography, among others - LEHA intends to offer a space for systematizing theoretical reflections and empirical studies.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Source : adapted from TOMICH, Dale. “The Atlantic as a Historical Space”. Afro-Asian Studies, (Dossier “História Atlântica” organized by Flávio Gomes and Dale Tomich), Center for Afro-Asian Studies, Rio de Janeiro, volume 26, number 2, 2004, pp. 221-240


ARMITAGE, David. “Three concepts of Atlantic history”. Unisinos History, volume 18, number 2, 2014, pp. 206-217.

COOPER, Frederick. “Race, Ideology, and the Perils of Comparative History” (Book Review: Black Liberation: A Comparative History of Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa by George M. Fredrickson and Songs of Zion: The African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States and South Africa by James T. Campbell), The American Historical Review, volume 101, number 4, 1996, pp. 1122-1138

GREENE, Jack P. “Hemispheric history and Atlantic history”. In: MORGAN, Philip D .; GREENE, Jack P. Atlantic history: a critical appraisal. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. pp. 299-315.

KELLEY, Robin DG “'But a Local Phase of a World Problem': Black History's Global Vision, 1883–1950”, Journal of American History, Volume 86, number 3 (The Nation and Beyond: Transnational Perspectives on United States History: number 1999), pp. 1045-1077

SIEGEL, Micol. “Beyond compare: comparative method after the transnational turn”. Radical History Review, volume 91, 2005, pp. 62-90.

WEINSTEIN, Barbara. "Thinking history outside the nation: the historiography of Latin America and the transnational bias". Anphlac Electronic Magazine, number, 2013, pp. 9-36.

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