Márcio Meira
Márcio Meira has a degree in history from UFPA, a master's degree in social anthropology from UNICAMP and a doctorate in social memory from UNIRIO. He is a researcher at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG / MCTI), and professor at the Graduate Program in Sociocultural Diversity (PPGDS) at the same institution. Since 1986, he has been conducting research on the history and anthropology of indigenous peoples in the Amazon, especially in the Negro River (AM) basin, where he participated in the demarcation of indigenous lands in the early 1990s. He is a member of the HINDIA Research Group (Indigenous History) and Indigenism in the Amazon) from CNPq. He was director of the Public Archive of the State of Pará (APEP) and collaborating professor of the specialization course in History of the Amazon at the Federal University of Pará - UFPA, between 1995 and 1997. He was Secretary of Institutional Articulation at the Ministry of Culture, MinC (2003- 2007) and President of the Fundação Nacional do Índio, FUNAI (2007-2012).